So what is Australia like.... different. Everything is just that little bit not usual: the road rules are slightly different, chicken tastes wierd and there are no power cuts (too odd)! When I signed up for this trip I knew I was going to have to live without tanganda and biltong and I mentally prepared myself for that. Recently however it has been reported to me that there is no cream soda here... WHAT!>>!?@ There is stuff called creamy soda and it comes in red or brown... yes you are reading this it is not green, not green!!!! and apparently is not worth drinking :( There is also a void of nik naks and mazoe... sigh.
Everything is digitalised which is so cool but I think that to a passer by i must look slightly below acceptable IQ cause I get so confused. We went on the train and you buy a Myki card that you scan in and out at vague stations. James and I seriously over swipped our thing at every station before realising that they were not baracaded and everyone around us was just walking past... lol! The trains are amazing they stop all over the place and are fast clean and reaonably priced. We took a trip out into the country to visit the Martins, very good family friends from when we were kids but hadn't seen in 10 years. It was so great to catch up and make contact again :)
One day driving home I was half asleep on the backseat looking out the window mindlessly at a rubbish truck that was driving in front of us. It slowed down and I watched for the routine of the men jumping out and running madly at the dustbins. How surprised I was when a crane like thing came down clamped the bin and turned it upside down into the truck before returning the now empty bin to the curb!! Only then did i realise everyone had the same style dustbin and that they had colour coded lids... crazy!
On our first trip to the mall it was discovered that CNA does not exist and it was impossible to find the equivalent shops. I would have been hopelessly frustrated and over shopping if it werent for the novelty of the odd shops they have in the mall. An entire shop of socks and a shop dedicated to shaving equiptment!!! Again I had the feeling that while looking up aimlessly at the shop names above the doors I must have looked of below average intellect. Malls here are way cooler here... far less boutiques and lots of shops like the crazy store in South Africa, maybe I will start enjoying shopping more :D
Everything is digitalised which is so cool but I think that to a passer by i must look slightly below acceptable IQ cause I get so confused. We went on the train and you buy a Myki card that you scan in and out at vague stations. James and I seriously over swipped our thing at every station before realising that they were not baracaded and everyone around us was just walking past... lol! The trains are amazing they stop all over the place and are fast clean and reaonably priced. We took a trip out into the country to visit the Martins, very good family friends from when we were kids but hadn't seen in 10 years. It was so great to catch up and make contact again :)
One day driving home I was half asleep on the backseat looking out the window mindlessly at a rubbish truck that was driving in front of us. It slowed down and I watched for the routine of the men jumping out and running madly at the dustbins. How surprised I was when a crane like thing came down clamped the bin and turned it upside down into the truck before returning the now empty bin to the curb!! Only then did i realise everyone had the same style dustbin and that they had colour coded lids... crazy!
On our first trip to the mall it was discovered that CNA does not exist and it was impossible to find the equivalent shops. I would have been hopelessly frustrated and over shopping if it werent for the novelty of the odd shops they have in the mall. An entire shop of socks and a shop dedicated to shaving equiptment!!! Again I had the feeling that while looking up aimlessly at the shop names above the doors I must have looked of below average intellect. Malls here are way cooler here... far less boutiques and lots of shops like the crazy store in South Africa, maybe I will start enjoying shopping more :D