It has been waaay too long since my last post so I will try
get some of the important bits summed up this week :)

If you google things to do or places to go in Victoria the
one place that will always be there is The Great Ocean Road. It is a two
hundred and fifty something kilometer ocean drive. It is the world's largest
world war memorial with a great history story. It was built by 3000
ex-servicemen after WW1 to commemorate those that were lost in battle.
We started out late in the day to get us from Neerim to the
Mornington peninsula to start early the next day. On arriving in the peninsula
we still had no place to stay and had worked out it was not the cheapest area
to spend time in. We spoilt ourselves to a night in a motel. Now my idea of a
motel is from American movies where it's dingy and someone inevitably gets
murdered. So I was really surprised in my last minute research to see how
expensive these places were! We found a reasonably priced one and in moving in
suddenly realised why you pay more. It was a lovely self contained room with a
dining room table, a fully equipped kitchen, huge comfy bed and an immaculate
bathroom. Coming from potato dust covered permanent camping I thought we were
in heaven. Best night sleep ever and the most incredible shower. I think from
this period in my life I will forever remember how much each good shower meant
to me hahaha. It's not that we are dirty the rest of the time it's just that a
luke warm pressureless shower each day is less than remarkable!
We decided to splash out and take a ferry trip across a
short area of the bay that would allow us to cut Melbourne out of our journey
and give us the experience of a boat ferry. I don't remember ever having been
on one and I really enjoyed driving the car up onto a boat and whisking across
the bay in so short a time. It had pretty views and a nice atmosphere onboard
but it was over too

We hired and pedal boat since James
had never been on one and pedaled our way up and down the allowed area on the
river. There were ducks and other peddlers and I couldn't help but feel like I
was on that ride in Rollercoaster tycoon (for anyone that has played that
game). We even amused ourselves by peddling after the ducks to see if they
would quack if we clicked on them ;) I temporarily got off the boat to take a
photo and my loving husband decided it would be funny to paddle off without me
leaving me stranded on a random exposed part of the river looking very guilty
and awkward! After the great boat trip we bought ourselves a little fishing rod
and a liscence and complete with picnic went in search of a quiet place to fish
on the river. I sat and made lunch while James failed dismally to provide us
with fresh dinner, but it was lovely and peaceful. It was at this place that we
stealed our nerves and decided to try the awfully red looking "Creaming
soda" to establish its worth... it is disgusting! Dont try it EVER! Luckily
some good cheese on crackers and a back up drink got us through the experienec
relatively unharmed :)

That night we had driven as far as Lorne, the biggest town
on the Great Ocean road famous for its hikes and waterfalls... sooo next time
on the blog great ocean road continues!
Yay! more!